Would you like to join the Women's Music Business Association?
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Class of 2024 Applications are CLOSED
Women's Music Business Association (WMBA Nashville) Membership Class of 2024
Please submit your application for membership (via Google Form) and at least one (1) letter of recommendation attached by 11:59pm CDT on Friday, Oct 30th, 2023. The current Board of Officers will review all applications at their November officer meeting, and you will be notified mid-November the status of your application.
Requirements for WMBA New Membership Eligibility
To be considered for membership, you must obtain at least one (1) letter of recommendation. *This letter of recommendation is required to be uploaded at the completion of this application*
You have been employed full-time in the music industry for at least one year prior to October 30, 2023.
You MUST earn the majority of your income from a music-related job
All singer-songwriters applicants MUST be affiliated with a PRO
Membership in WMBA is a commitment of applicant to attend AT MINIMUM six (6) organizational events that include the New Member Orientation in January 2024, quarterly mandatory member meetings as well as social impact events and additional programming opportunities during your annual membership term. (Exact mandatory meeting dates to be announced at a later time in new member packet)
If accepted into WMBA Class of 2024, you will be required to pay the annual membership fee of $50, due at the time of acceptance and paid in full no later than March 1, 2024. (WMBA is happy to work with members who may be facing financial hardships. Extensions and payment plan for dues are available upon request)
Membership term is for one (1) calendar year (January 1 - December 31)
*If you have any questions or concerns, please email WMBA Membership and Marketing Chairs
*The acceptance or denial of each applicant is up to the discretion of the WMBA Officers. We reserve the right to determine whether or not an applicant's interests are aligned with the vision and mission of the WMBA organization*.
To be an active participant in contributing your superpowers to the growth of the vision and mission of WMBA's organization and the community of bold women leaders it serves by regularly attending organizational programming, membership meetings, social impact outreach and other events.
Upon acceptance into WMBA, the member is considered active for three (3) years before reaching alum status. After the three (3) years, members can choose to continue participating as active member with WMBA or transition into alumni status on membership directory.